Ready For Solar Energy?

Are you ready to embrace solar energy options for your home or business? Whether you’re looking for energy security or energy savings, Oso Renewable Energy, aka Oso Solar, has the products and the expertise to provide the solutions you need.

We’ve been doing just that – and living it ourselves – since 1994 we’ve served a customer base throughout the Northern Rocky Mountain states and the Kootenays in British Columbia.

We’ll Be Your Guide

The solar energy industry is rapidly expanding, with innovations and improvements almost daily. Oso Renewable Energy can help you navigate the many options available. For various applications of solar electric to solar hot water, we have the experience and connections to top quality products. We can help you choose an option that will work for you for decades to come

From a component and wiring perspective, grid-tied solar is the simplest way to gather and store the sun’s energy using the “Net Metering” program with your utility.

A battery-based home power system could be the first choice if you are building in a remote location or where the utility is a significant distance from the home site.

Solar Heated Water, or solar thermal, collects the sun’s radiated warmth and stores it for our human uses.

Some of Our Work

We’ve been working in solar since 1994 and have successfully installed a whole range of solar projects – large and small. For examples of some of our previous projects, you can go to the Stand-Alone Solar, Grid-Tied Solar, and Solar Hot Water pages.

Contact Us to Discuss Your Project


Elvendal Farms

Oso Solar and Elvendal Farms grow garden starts to assist you in your sustainability efforts. All of our starts are grown with organic seeds where available. Elvendal Farms is located in Hills, BC, and sells its starts in the Silverton, New Denver, Hills, and Nakusp areas. If you are interested in reserving starts please submit your order on our starts page using the link below. 

Elvendal Greenhouse